mfaNOW + Season 2 Updates
Last Friday I got the opportunity to cover some of the mfaNOW overnight programming, and loved every minute of it! Check out some of the photos below, and look out for the live coverage and interviews from that night in Season 2 of First Year Project. Snapped by myself & v. cabral.
"Brands could become the new record labels" - Jon Wexler on adidas' immersion in pop culture
In thinking about the future of music, I'm definitely pro independent artistry. But I also think it makes sense for brands like Adidas to shift towards potentially becoming distributors of music projects. According to "Brands could become the new record labels" (I honestly really dislike that title), this could become a reality sooner than later. I'm here for blurring the lines of who can make music accessible to the world. In fact, I wonder why this hasn't happened sooner? Read the entire interview here.
11 Boss Women Share The Biggest Career Mistakes They've Made In Their 20s
First Year Project is a community that embraces the true necessity of mistakes, so it was refreshing to read these stories. Mistakes are the catalyst of growth. They are crucial to the process, and we need to start sharing them more often! Check out the entire article here.
Luvvie Ajayi: How I Built My Career from Blog to Brand
“Luvvie Ajayi: How I Built My Career from Blog to Brand” is just the reminder you needed that building anything authentically takes time. Read her entire interview here.
Lil Wayne proves celebs aren’t created with equal wokeness
Lil Wayne is like that student of color who's gone to private schools for too long and forgets that neither money, education nor suburbia can undo institutional racism. Tired of hearing excuses for Wayne's ignorance? Me too. Unfortunately, he probably won't be the last celebrity to let us down in regards to "wokeness." Read the full article here.
Inside the secret meeting that changed the fate of Vine forever
#RIPVine may have been one of the most engaging twitter hashtags of all time. People of all different demographics shared their favorite Vines with the hashtag. I'm not sure I've ever laughed so hard while sharing anything on the internet! It's ultimate end wasn't a laughing matter to everyone though, and raises important questions around platforms directly compensating top users. In case you haven't read the articles on the "secret meeting(s)" that prefaced the app's eventual death, check it out here.
Zadie Smith: dance lessons for writers
"But for me the two forms are close to each other: I feel dance has something to tell me about what I do."
Zadie Smith sharing how dance positively inspires and impacts her writing is EVERYTHING! Read the entire article here, and engulf yourself in the parallels of both art forms in ways you may have never imagined.